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Too Much Tech Time

August 21st, 2018

Do you feel like your child spends too much time with their technology? Well, you’re not alone!

In a 2018 survey, Common Sense Media and SurveyMonkey found that 47% of parents are worried that their kids are addicted to their mobile devices. Additionally, about half of parents are concerned that their devices are going to affect their child’s mental health. Even though technology can be a brilliant asset for learning and entertainment it is still important to set boundaries and try new approaches to make sure technology can be a healthy thing.

  1. Time limits
    By restricting the amount of time your child is allowed to use their cell phone or tablet, you create designated hours where you know they won’t be glued to the screen. This leaves more room for sports, social interaction, outdoor time, and quality family time.
  2. Use Devises Together
    Limiting screen time doesn’t automatically mean your child will be better for it. Instead, think of the ways in which you and your child can explore the internet together. Watching videos, playing games, or talking to others still uses the screen but implements bonding while doing so.
  3. Understand the Appeal
    Technology and children do not have to be a negative thing. In fact, children who spend time online are usually happier. The internet provides a place of support, new ideas, and more knowledge. But when a child becomes withdrawn, doesn’t enjoy other activities, can’t spend time away from the screen, and starts to act out of character then parents should be concerned.
  4. Set an Example
    Parents are quick to scold their child for unhealth screen time habits, but they lead by example. It’s best to make sure that when you are telling your child to put his or her phone away that you are abiding by the same rules.

Perhaps when parents get worried about their child’s device usage they are especially concerned with safety. And rightly so! The internet can be a dangerous and mysterious place. If you find yourself worried not only about how often your child is using their devices then it would help to brush up on some of the most popular applications used by children. That way you can not only better recognize the apps you see them open but understand their danger levels.

Overall, technology and children is a complicated topic. Like anything else, it is best to lead by example and not limit yourself to one viewpoint. Devices can be a wonderful tool for learning and discovery, but they work best when they are monitored – and both you and your child will benefit from it!

Posted in the categories All, Kids.

