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VILLARI’S #2 Karate Benefit: FOCUS

August 20th, 2018

VILLARI’S #2 Karate Benefit: FOCUS


After the dog days of summer are over, now is the time to activate your child’s body and mind with a fun discipline like karate. This ancient martial art will improve your child’s physical and mental development, preparing them to focus on the school year ahead.

This week, our topic is FOCUS.

Karate helps to strengthen your child’s attentiveness by keeping their brain active, agile, and alert.

Karate improves your child’s focus by:

  1. Building your child’s WILLPOWER so they can learn to ignore distractions.
  2. Emphasizing MINDFULLNESS to help your child stay more cool, calm and collected.
  3. Exercising their body, which studies have shown helps the brain’s ability to CONCENTRATE.
  4. Setting short, ACHIEVABLE goals to start, then gradually increasing the difficulty and time required as their focus improves.

Villari's Martial Arts Centers helps your child’s focus to improve though the discipline of karate training taught by our certified trained instructors.

Look for next week’s blog when we’ll discuss karate benefit #3, DETERMINATION!

End of Summer Special

As an incentive to sign your child up for a karate class during August, we’re offering the first month for just $49. SAVE over 50% off the regular price.

Sign up today!

Posted in the categories All, Kids.

